Pre-Columbian Art & Artifacts
Pre Columbian Art

Moche Silver Crown 100 - 500AD

Inca Canteen with Original paint

9" Pair of modeled Redware Birds

Costa Rican Zoomorphic Jaguar Head 7 3/4"

Nayarit Pottery Seated Male and Female Couple (2)

Large Nayarit Male Figure with Ball, 13 1/2"

Rare Narino Woman Coquera

Large Pre-Columbian Huari Polychrome Kero

Large West Mexico Bowl - 10 5/8"

Moche IV Pottery Stirrup Jar - Ai Apec

Wari / Huari Face Vessel, Ex-Arte Primitivo

Manabi Seated Figure, Equador, 20" Tall

2-Part Rio Magdelena Terracotta Urn - 19.5" tall

Columbian, Carchi seated Coquero figure, Ex Bonhams

A trio of Pre-Columbiann textile dolls, Ex Museum